at table和at the table的含义及英语口语训练

at table和at the table究竟是什么意思?

英语短语at table和at the table究竟是属于同义词辨析问题,还是属于先明白二者各自是什么含义,然后所谓的同义词辨析问题“不攻自破”?

1) 体验英语:at table

1. The whole family was (sitting) at table in the dining toom at 7 every evening.

2. Who was the man seated at table betrayed Jesus Christ(耶稣基督)?

2) 英译英英语口语:

1. Okay.If you are (sitting) at table,you're sitting at a/the table and(for) eating a meal/eating food.

2. So,(sitting) at table means Eating food,or having a meal (in the dining room,or in a restaurant).

能把at table与eat food联想起来就不怕忘记at table什么意思。忘记哪个是“吃”了怎么办?

“愚蠢”却实用的记忆方法:You eat and you eat the 'the',that's why the 'the' is missing in 'at table':吃饭把the吃掉了,自然at table“没有the了”。

1) 体验英语:at the table

1.What all the women want is a seat at the (discussion) table.


跟“吃”没有任何关系,所以the没有“被吃掉”,还保留着:at the table.

A seat here means a position(席位,地位), the table here means where you can make drcision(决策地).

2. The boy was sitting at a/the table in the restaurant/dining room (for) doing his homework.

2) 英译英英语口语:

So,when we are sitting a table,or at the table,we sit at the table for doing anything,for reading,for doing homework,for taking a rest,including for eating,for dinner,for lunch,etc.

不要说sit at table for dinner/for a meal.At table已经“自带”eat dinner,所以for dinner属于“画蛇添足”。
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