





从语法考点而言,定语从句仍旧是每年的必考考点之一,不同定语从句类型在翻译中的处理,前置还是单独起句,是各位考生复习时的重点。此外,各位考生要加强对于therebe 句型重视,已经连续两年2018年和今年在英语一的翻译中出现。总而言之,今年的考点没有难点:还是简单句、并列句、和三大从句的常规考察范围内。

在词的考察方面,有些单词难度系数较大,考生要掌握好根据前后文和语境进行猜词的能力。例如句子中:when taken up thebraodcasters and laypress… laypres对于很多考生来说比较陌生。但是“laypress”和braodcaster并列,且press有一层意思是媒体,所以laypress可以大致处理为媒体。和broadcaster一起翻译为:广播媒体。词汇考察的第二个点在于一词多义,或者是熟词僻义。比如:takenup。之前各位考生可能知道它的一层意思是“占据”,但在文章中翻译为占据肯定不符合语境,在这里要处理为:接收。翻译为:一旦为广播媒体所接受。






As is symbolically demonstrated in the cartoon, two individuals have aconversation on the event of climbing the mountain. The person on the right airshis view on giving up because of the tiring trip, while the man on the leftencourages his companion with a bottle of water on his hand. We are informedthat various folks take different attitudes toward the same occurrence.

The aim of the portrayal is to illustrate that a strong will is of utmostsignificance to our life. In the first place, perseverance brings our power intolife, arouses our enthusiasm for study and helps us overcome difficulties. Yetwithout perseverance, achievements can hardly be made. In the second place,having willpower gives us light when we are in the dark circumstance, andencouragement when we are dismayed. It is the strong will, rather thanintelligence or extraordinary abilities, that inspires us to finish an arduouswork, just like the picture given above. With persistence, the goals we set canbe reached, and the hardest nut can be cracked.

In conclusion, willpower enables people to behave toughly, bravely andconfidently, and it is also crucial for any individual’s development, in termsof both character and competence.


Dear Tom,

At your inquiry of becoming a volunteer for the aiding primary schoolproject held by our university, with heartfelt gratitude, I'm writing this emailto inform you of some necessary details for your future participation.

What matters most is the purpose of our project, which is aimed to providethese students with better educational resources. Now that English teachers arein hot demand, we hope that you can teach them English. For doing this job, youneed to come up with a syllabus of classes starting at an entry level, for mostof these children have never learned English before.

We're looking forward to your participation. If you have further questions,feel free to contact me.

Sincerely yours,
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上一篇:2010中国十大品牌外语培训机构候选名单 壹佳英语