Directions: “Why students should be encouraged to develop effectivecommunication skills?”
Communication skills, as is widely accepted, has become increasinglyimportant in people’s daily life. Similarly, possessing effective communicationskills in the current context, as for college students, has been an irresistibletrend already.
Undoubtedly, in face of a society filled with changes, challenges,competitions, communication, as an important skill, is everywhere around us, andits influence is also very great. It can be said that most of the reasons forinterpersonal conflicts are due to poor communication, and effectivecommunication plays an irreplaceable role in improving and promoting our worklevel and life quality. Thus, the strategy is that only by arming ourselves witheffective communication skills can we live a comfortable and happy life. Withouteffective communication skills, there can be no constant personal growth andharmonious social development.
In short, on no account should we overlook the significance of an effectivecommunication skill. Just as John D. Rockefeller, an oil magnate, says, "Ifhuman communication were a commodity like sugar or coffee, I would pay more forit than anything under the sun.” Accordingly, we undergraduates should bear inmind that an effective communication skill is bound to benefit us in hosts ofaspects.