2019年6月英语六级考试听力答案解析 对话2解析(哈尔滨新东方)




W:So how's our presentation about the restructuring of the company coming along

M: fine. I'm putting the finishing touches to it now, 5]but we'll have to be prepared for questions.

W: Yes, there's already a feeling that this is a top down change. We really need to get everyone on board.

M: Well, there's been an extensive consultation period.

W: I know, but there's always the feeling that if it isn't broke, don't fix it. People are worried about their jobs too.6]I think we need to stress that while there will be some job changes, there won't be anyone getting dismissed. In fact, we're looking to take on more staff.

W: Agreed. You can hardly blame people for worrying, though. We need to make it clear that it's not just change for changes sake. In other words, we really must make the case for why we are doing it. So what's the outline of the presentation?

M: 7】I'll start with a brief review of the reasons for the change that we really need to make a clean break to restart growth. After that, I'll outline the new company structures. And who's going where. Then I'll hand it over to you to discuss the timeline and summarize and will take questions together at the end. Anything else?

W: Oh, yeah, we should let the staff know the channels of communication. You know who they can contact or direct questions to about these changes?

M: Yes. And we can collect some frequently asked questions and present some general answers. Um, and we'll make the presentation and the questions available 8]via the company's own computer network. Right?

M: Yes. We'll make a page on the network where staff can download all the details.

W: All right. Perhaps we should do a practice run of the presentation first.

M: You bet.

Questions five to eight are based on the conversation. You have just heard.

Q5:What is the man going to do?

Q6:What does the man say about the restructuring?

Q7: What will the man explain first?

Q8: How can the staff learn more about the company's restructuring?

解析:对话讨论了公司改革的方案,问题聚焦在改革的原因,告知方式等细节题的考察,可以通过开头定位,逻辑关系词准确定位答案位置。Q5定位对话开头,but 后视听一致,raise some questions。Q6观点词think 定位,公司有变动产生,但是不会有人失业,相反会雇佣更多的员工 no staff will be dismissed。Q7reason后定位,男人需要先跟员工解释公司产生变动的原因 the reasons for restructuring。Q8 “视听一致”原则, via 后定位答案,公司将通过网站告知具体改革的细节信息(by visiting the company’s own computer network)。

5.raise some questions.

6.no staff will be dismissed

7.the reasons for restructuring

8.by visiting the company’s own computer network.


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