商务信函的写作比文学创造及其他类型的写作简略些 ,这是因为商务英语信函的写作有必定的规划标准 ,具体体如今内容规划与言语运用等方面。
一般 ,商务信函由四有些构成 ,即导语(introduction) 、 概况(details) 、 应对(response)和结束语(close) 。
第一有些是导语。在此有些中 ,出于礼貌 ,常常经过奉告事由或提及彼此早年的联络引出正文 ,而不是开宗明义谈具体的作业 ,避免莽撞与失礼。
常常运用的开篇语有:We re fer to y our Order No. 8 and regret to say that …Thank y ou for y our letter dated…Through the courtesy of our C ommercial C ounselor’ sOffice in London ,we learned that y ou are interested in do2ing business with us.
第二有些是概况。这有些具体阐明事宜及具体需求。这有些是正文的中心。如触及几件不火伴项 ,大约依照主次次序分几个期间进行阐明 ,一般是一个期间阐明一个事项;一起 ,在叙说同一事项时要留心条理与逻辑性。一般把触及捆绑、 付款、 罚款、抵偿等不好的信息放在最终。
第三有些是应对。该有些是第二有些的连续 ,可所以需求对方招认、 答复或寄来价目表 ,也可以告诉对方随函寄去的附件或标明等待对方询价或征询。可根据具体情况来断定这一有些内容是不是有存在的必要。
第四有些是结束语。一般是以一个有关的短句结束全文,是在结束以上三有些之后标明礼节性的一句客套语。需要留心的是,一切的结束语有必要与正文的内容相契合,否则就会显得牵强附会。如出口商给进口商的信中期望对方承受他们的报价,可以说: “Your favorable/ immediate reply will be highly appreciated.” 商务信函中常用的结束语有:We await your favorable reply with great interest. If you need any further in formation ,please let us know.As the market is of keen competition ,we recommendy our immediate acceptance.
商务信函中的许多习气用法 ,包括信函套语和不一样于一般表达办法的表达法。商务信函长时刻以来构成了许多约好俗成的套语 ,如上面说到的用于信函最初有些和结束有些的常用套语。除此之外 ,还有许多 ,如报实盘的时分常这样表达:We offer y ou firm subject to y our reply by 5 p. m.our time ,Monday ,3rd.Oct .The offer is valid/ open until …The validity of the offer is from… to …当认为对方价格太高时一般的表达有:Your price is found on the high side.Your price is prohibitive.Y our price is excessive.即期诺言证付款时可以这样表达:The terms of payment are by L/ C available by draftat sight .The terms of payment are L/ C payable against draftat sight . The terms of payment are by L/ C available bysight draft .类似习气的表达办法还许多。在长时刻的世界商务交流中,构成了一系列简明简明又很有用的固定句型和套语,这些已被商界广泛承受,咱们只需平常多留心、 多堆集,就可以称心如意地撰写商务英语信函了。
People receive a huge number of emails are present in the mailboxes every day. To get your email noticed among them, it is important to give your email a subject line that grabs the attention of the receiver. The subject should also associate closely to the content of the email. When replying remember to change the subject line rather than just let the mail program add “Re:” at the front
The attention span of people is limited and they want to be able to read email quickly. Therefore, use simple and plain English as much as possible in your mails. For example use “buy” instead of “purchase”. Avoid clichés such as “last but not least” and legalese such as “in reference to” and “please contact he undersigned”.
It is important that you know whom your email is supposed to convince and target. For this purpose, you should know your audience well and must have a clear idea of what they are anticipating before you start writing them an email.
The effective use of attachments and hyperlinks helps you communicate your message in an efficient manner and allows your email to be concise. Use links rather than copying and pasting large sections of text.