
I get along well with him. (我和他很合得来。 )

I don't get along well with her.(我跟她合不来。 )

I respect him.(我很尊敬他。 )

I despise him.(我瞧不起他。)

I want to get along with everyone.(我想和大家和睦相处。)

Are you getting along with her?(你跟她合得来吗? )

She ignored me. (她根本不搭理我。 )

I don't know what he's really thinking.(我不知道他在想什么。 )

I have no reason to be envied. (我没有理由让人嫉妒。 )

I don't like brownnosers. (我讨厌爱拍马屁的人。 )

I'm neglecting my family. (我是个不顾家的人。 )

Which side are you? (你站在哪一方? )

I'm on your side. (我是站在你这边的。)

He's very hard on me. (他对我很不客气的。 )

He always treats me like an enemy. (他总把我当作眼中钉。 )

He treated me badly.(他对我很蛮横。)

I'm obligated to him. (我欠他的情。)

We're on a first name basis. (我们很熟,互相直呼其名。)


He's quick on the uptake. (他的理解力很强。 )

He'll never let you down.( 他不会让你失望的。 )

He's efficient. (他很能干。 )

He's a good guy.(他是个好人。)

He looks old for his age.(他显老。 )

You look younger than me. (你看上去比我年轻。)

That's the way he is.(他就是那种人。 )

Who is he like? (他长得像谁? )

He has a lot of common sense. (他有丰富的常识。 )

He's wise for his age. (他虽年轻,却很博学。 )

He knows a lot of people.(他交际很广。)

He's a go-getter. (他是个有才干的人。 )

You're so sympathetic. (你真体谅人。  )

He's faithful. (他是守信用的人。)

He has a deep voice.(他的嗓音低沉。 )

He has put on weight.(他发福了。 )

He's overweight.(他太胖了。 )

You have a lot of nerve.(你真有胆量。(你好大胆子。) )

He's a very modest man. (他是个很谦虚的人。 )

He has a good temper.(他有个好脾气。 )

He has a bad temper.(他这个人脾气暴躁。 )

There's something strange about her.(她不知哪儿有点怪。)

She's not herself. (她有点不太对劲儿。 )

She's so weird. (她真让人捉摸不透。 )

Tammy eats like a bird. (塔米饭量很小。)

She has a nice figure. (她的身材很好。 )

His best days are gone.(他已过壮年。 )

My father's getting on in years.(我父亲上年纪了。 )

They're making a big fuss. (他们闹得天翻地覆。)

He's a chain smoker.(他抽烟抽得没完没了。 )


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