
??to convene, to convoke 举办

convocation 会议

standing orders, by-laws 议事程序

rules of procedure 议事规则

constitution, statutes 规章

procedure 程序

agenda 议程

timetable, schedule 日程表,时刻表

item on the agenda 议程项目

other business 其他事项

to place on the agenda 列入议程

working paper 作业文件

opening 开幕

the sitting is open 会议开幕

appointment 录用

to appoint 录用,差遣

speaker 陈述人

to make a speech, to deliver a speech 做陈述

to ask for the floor 需求讲话

to give the floor to 附和...讲话 (美作:to recognize)

to take the floor, to address the meeting 讲话

declaration, statement 声明

Am I in order? 我这样做契合议程规则吗?

call to order 需求恪守次序

to raise a point of order 提出关于议程的疑问

general debate 长时刻的谈论

receivability 可以承受,可接收

stand 情绪,主张

consensus 定见

advisory opinion 参谋定见

proposal 主张

to table a proposal 提出主张

clarification 弄清

comment 谈论

to second, to support 撑持

to adopt 经过

to oppose 对立

to raise an objection 提出贰言

to move an amendment 提出批改案

to amend 批改

second reading (法案、方案的)二读

substantive motion 本质性的动议

decision 抉择

ruling 判决

to reject 回绝,驳回

resolution 抉择

draft resolution 抉择草案,提案

first draft, preliminary draft 草案初稿

whereases 正式文件的开场白,前语

motivations 标明动机

operative part 收效有些

report 陈述

factual report 实际陈述

minutes, record 记载

summary record 摘要纪录

verbatim record 逐字纪录

memorandum 备忘录

to postpone, to adjourn, to put off 推迟,延期

closure 闭幕式

closing speech 闭幕词

to adjourn the meeting, to close the meeting 结束会议
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