at one's beck and call
该习语中的beck其实是beckon的变体,表示“示意”,而call则用的是其本义,表示“呼叫”。整个习语表示“ to be entirely subservient to someone; to be responsive to someone's slightest request”,即“完全屈从于某人;对某人哪怕是一点点的要求都会作出回应”,相当于汉语里的“随叫随到;唯命是从;任其使唤;任其摆布;俯首帖耳;随时待命”。
don't expect to have me at your beck and call.
i knew he was trying to wheedle me into being at his beck and call.
he regularly slips out of the white house to buy a burger, despite having a cordon bleu chef at his beck and call.
该习语较早于1611年出现在 aemilia lanyer对的作品《 salve deus rex judaeorum 》中 :
"the muses doe attend upon your throne,
with all the artists at your becke and call;"
之后也出现了该习语的变体用法“beckon call”,虽然没有作为习语广泛使用,但直到最近仍然有人在用,如 phil differ and jonathan watson在伦敦的《每日镜报》( daily mirror )中就有过这样的使用:
“he [football manager dick advocaat] told me what he was particularly looking forward to when he comes to scotland and that's having the entire scottish press at his beckon call and i promised he won't be disappointed.”